
Alexander Deineka

Alexander Deineka. Drawing. Hydroaeroplanes over ships. 1934

Alexander Deineka (Alexandr Deineka) was a very politically engaged painter/illustrator. He was born in 1899 in Kharkov (Russia). His best work (in my opinion) is his least political (revolutionary) work. Most of all I like his folky, simple drawings (with the slightest touch of goache, or water color). Unfortunately I couldn't find many examples on this website which is
devoted to his work.
In his later paintings there are traces of the work of Alex Katz, Edward Hopper (Deineka being the influencer obviously, if at all). He keeps combining (social) realism and slavic nostalgia

Alexander Deineka. Painting. The boredom. 1935

Soviet Russian painter Alexander Deineka. The cavalry. 1930

Alexander Deineka. Drawing. Over snows. 1938

Alexander Deineka. Painting. The parachuter above the sea. 1934
Alexander Deineka. Painting. On the balcony. 1931

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