
Polaroids by Anna Verlet

Beautiful polaroids by Anna Verlet, who has great eyes. These are two of my favourites, though there's many other.


Norwich Textile Pattern Book

On of those typical cases of serendipity. I was searching for graphic patterns of South American Tapestry and came across what must be one of the most astonishing book"works" that have ever been made. It is a pattern book from the 18th century and it is filled with sample strips of fabric. It must weigh a ton. I own the giant Book of Ornaments Taschen republished and that's amazing in it's printed form. This is the real deal, tactile, handmade...



wrangler interactive cinematic catalogue

this is one excellently made website for wrangler jeans. the interaction is just soo smooth and cinematic. it also loads like a fucker, so that really good work in the compression department. the overall impact of the movieclips, the use of sound/music and the graphic handling of typography and buttons makes for a really immersive user experience. There's also the advantage of being able to see the jeans and shirts from different angle, so the stuntman like behaviour - or is it judo? - of the character is still functional in some odd way.
if in the end this experience will result to me buying wrangler jeans is another issue. Don't think so. There seems to be real trend to pimping the way products are presented.